This is my last day in Illinois. It is funny how coming home can influence you. Since home for me is about 110 miles away from Chicago, I have been listeing to rap and such nonsense. It is weird because I usually don't listen to it. I forget how ghetto my town of Freeport is because I live in Idaho now. I always love coming back though. Everyone I grew up with is here, and it is always fun to visit with those you've known all your life. I got to hang out with my best friends, and with family I hadn't seen since the summer. It is sad to me that after I leave for Utah tonight, I won't be back in Illinois until July. I always forget how beautiful the country and landscape is here. I love it :)
Anyways, right now I am listening to Journey with my dad, admiring Steve Perry's voice. I just got home from church. Going to church in the Freeport ward is always fun because I know everyone, and everyone there knows me, and observed me as I went through the awkward stages of adolescence. Nothing has changed much. Almost all of the kids I grew up with were there. Nothing much has changed, even with the returned missionaries that just got back. Nonetheless, I love coming home. I have decided someday I am going to live close by. I definitely don't want to live in Freeport, but maybe up in Wisconsin or Iowa. I can't wait until I have graduated. I want to go on a roadtrip so bad and visit all the places that I have longed to go to. If I have money, that is.
Tonight I leave at midnight with my friends to go back to Utah. Brilliant. I love roadtrips, but this is going to be a long one. My Christmas break has gone by way too fast. I only have a week left. Then I get to go to more classes. That will be fun. Anyways, I should probably go and pack my stuff so I am ready to leave. Happy belated Christmas, and don't do anything I wouldn't do!
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