First off, I would like to say happy birthday to my roommate, Lynzi!
So I haven't really blogged in a while. Well, since last week when I was in Kansas. I will update you on what has happened :)
I came back to Idaho from Kansas and completed another week here at BYU-Idaho. The week went by really slow, and I'm glad it is over.That means we on

Last night was the much awaited David Archuleta concert. We got there an hour early, and there were tons of people standing in line. Luckily, we didn't have to wait to get rejected because we already got our tickets the day they went on sale. We did wait in a line to get into the auditorium though. We got in, and sat in out seats. Maquel, Larissa, Chelsea, and I all got seats on the floor because we are awesome like that.
The opening act was by a guy named Benton Paul, who I had never heard of. Apparently he is pretty popular. I see why, because he was very entertaining. I loved his music. Then, David Arculeta came on stage. It was fantastic. Everyone was so excited, so we all jumped up and danced when he was singing. I still c
I love you! Miss you soo much! Hope you like your ears pierced! And thank you for the birthday wishes! Fair thee well sweet lady!