Well helllllllllooooooo!
A comment about the picture. It is friggen hilarious. Don't hate.
I realize that I shouldn't be blogging right now because I have an essay to write for tomorrow and a few other things to do. I just really don't feel like doing it, and I am stressing out majorly because of this stupid class. I want to take a break. So I am!
This past week has been so crazy! I have had so much to do, and so little time, and so little sleep. I honestly haven't been this tired in my whole life. Except for when I had mono in the seventh grade. That sucked. Anyways, I have had lots of homework and essays to write. I've not a single idea how I am going to live next semester with the 20 credits I will be taking.
I actually started this blog last night, but I wrote one of the five remaining essays that I needed to write. Ridiculous, right? Yeah, I know. But this is my last week of this semester so it makes sense that it is going to be stressful. I know it is only going to get harder, because I am only a sophomore. Luckily next year, I'll be transferred to Pigfarts! Just kidding. After this year, I will be halfway done with my degree. Crazy! When I was younger it seemed as if I would be in high school all of my life. It is weird to me that this is my last year as a teenager (sad, I know) and then I will actually have to be responsible! Dang! Just kidding. I guess I am sort of responsible now, since I am on my own and everything.
This blog is super random, I apologize, but I want to talk about my weekend. I did absolutely nothing but homework. I went to a party Saturday night which was really fun, until everyone was told to leave because the cops were on their way. Lame! It isn't like there was any alcohol, we were all just dancing to super loud music. It relieved a lot of stress for me. But then Sunday came, and the stress came back. I can't wait until after Wednesday. That will be when I finally can relax. Yay.
I got a couple more essays done now. It is Monday night. I have two more days of classes until testing days. Five more days until I get to go to Illinois! I am way excited. There is going to be a lot of snow, and I will be with the friends I grew up with. Can life get better? I submit that it cannot! I haven't seen them in forever, since I moved to Kansas. I don't get to go to Illinois as often as I would like.
Now that I have been working on this entry for well over 24 hours, I would like to say goodbye. Until next time, I bid thee farewell.
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