So I just got home from seeing New Moon in the theaters. Before I go on my Twilight rant, I will tell you that I am now in Kansas. I got here late afternoon last Saturday. I took the bus from KCI to Junction City. A man on the bus told me "enjoy your stay in our town, little girl." I mean really? I am NOT a little girl. Jerk. Just kidding. He was a nice guy, but he just obviously wrongly took me for a child. I am a grown woman. Shoo. Just kidding again. But really.
Anyways, I spent the last few days with my twin sister. It has been really fun. We decided to drive to my mom's house yesterday so that is where I am right now. We just saw New Moon in the theaters. And that brings me back to my rant.
First of all, I was a Twilight fan a long time before it became popular. My best friend Katie had received the book in 2005 as a gift. She read it and made me read it. We were both very much taken with this book of vampires. Everyone that I asked had never even heard of Twilight. We patiently waited for New Moon to come out, as well as Eclipse. By then, more and more people started to read the series. I remember being so excited when Stephenie Meyer said on her website that Twilight was being made into a movie. Beyond excited. We did not agree out the actors and actresses picked, but we hoped their acting skills would prove them to be worthy of their roles.
Then, last year around this time, Twilight the movie came out. I went to see it with Katie. We came out of the theater completely disgusted. The movie was terrible. The acting was terrible. Especially Edward. Ugh. I feel like up chucking whenever I see him. His face looks as if he ran into a wall. Hard. And Kristen, please stop with all the stuttering and blinking! Taylor Lautner was the only good thing about that movie. I just can't express how much it disappointed me.
Okay, on to New Moon. I didn't get my hopes up this time, but I was impressed. I know there was a different director and a bigger budget, but it still impressed me. It could have been better, but it improved a lot from Twilight. I might have liked it more because Rob Pattinson wasn't in a lot of it. And I do love a good tragedy. By the way, Rob, please keep your shirt on. No one wants to see your nasty, hairy chest. But Taylor, you can keep your shirt off as long as you want. I mean really. Wow. In the first couple scenes it just looked like Jacob was fat, but then the rest of the film you could definitely tell he was ripped.
On that note, I would like to take a minute talking about Team Edward/Team Jacob. I have always been on Team Jacob. Even before any of the movies. Before everyone jumped on the bandwagon after they saw New Moon. He just seems more real than Edward. Edward is an overprotective guy (and sometimes jerk). Jacob is just like a normal guy (except for the fact he can turn into an enormous wolf) who is hopelessly in love. With that said, again, I am Team Jacob to the grave.
I was impressed with Kristen Stewart in this movie. She didn't blink and stutter as much as she did in Twilight. Nice. Well that is really all I have to say about New Moon. I am not as disappointed this time. Thank you, and goodnight.
I love you. That is all.
ReplyDeletep.s. When are we going to see this movie again?! There is nothing like Team Jacob. :D