We (Chelsea, Maquel, and I) are sitting on the floor of the Kimball Administrative building waiting to buy tickets. Not just any tickets though, they are David Archuleta tickets. We are even listening to his music. I am really not that big of a fan, I just think it would be fun to go to one of his concerts. He is coming to BYU-I in December and I know there are going to be some crazy, obsessed Mormon girls that could possibly take me out if they don't get tickets. I am a little frightened, but I sacrificed sleep for this. I usually wake up at 8:30, but I woke up a full hour and a half earlier so I could come stand in line. We are actually going to try to get tickets online too, so we have our laptops out while we stand in line. We didn't actually go to bed until 12:30am, and Chelsea and I stayed up even later because we were talking. To tell the truth, I used to be a huge David Archuleta fan when he just came off of Idol, but I just kind of stopped listening to his music. I really don't remember why, but I did. I regret it! Anyways, this is going to be a very interesting day... I honestly probably will crash right in the middle of it if I can't take a nap. Saturday night I didn't get much sleep because we stayed up watching Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire (go figure) and got up early because we had stake conference. It was really weird because usually we start church at 1pm, but since we had church so early, we had the rest of the day free after 11am. I really didn't know what to do with my Sunday. We just sat around and watched movies... kind of like what we do all the time anyways. Okay, not all the time, but most of the time.
I really don't know what I am talking about anymore so I should just stop this nonsense. Okay, have a fantastic day everyone, and go David Archuleta!
I love your posts. Absoultly adore them actually! And you of course, mind you don't forget that detail! :) <3