Welllllll helllllllllo!
I am sitting here on this wonderful Friday evening watching Arrested Development with my roommates (the ones who are still here, that is). This next week we don't have any classes because it is Thanksgiving break! Yay! Jayme, Kelly, and Larissa all left earlier today so it is just me, Chelsea, and Lynzi here now. I leave at 3:30 tomorrow morning to start traveling. I am not too excited about trying to get through the airport by myself so hopefully I make it out alive. I am really excited about having my mom's home cooked meals, even though I will only be at her place a few days. I am just ecstatic to have a week off of school-- no classes at all! I do still have a lot of homework to do unfortunately.
Chelsea and I are going to be alone in the apartment tonight so we are pulling an all nighter, even though I have to leave before 3:30 am anyways. We are definitely going to watch Zoolander. I absolutely love that movie. I would have to say it is one of my favorite comedies of all time.
So my humanities class put together a survey the other day and it is our job to publicize it... We need as many people to take it as we can get, so I am going to post the survey right here --> http://www.surveygizmo.com/s/209054/globalization-survey-fall-09
So please take it so I can get a good grade! Send it around so we can get as many as we can!
Okay thank you so much, and have a wonderful weekend!
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