I really haven't had time to write here lately, which is weird because for our apartment goals, we decided to limit facebook time to 45 minutes a day. I guess I've been doing more homework. It is funny how giving up facebook can do that. Anyways, I am listening to the Final Countdown by Europe played by this awesome orchestra on youtube. I would like to share the link here [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IliwQImJrYE]. It might be the most fantastic version of Final Countdown I've ever heard. You can't go wrong with headbanging and celli. On a slightly different note, you gotta love the 80s. I mean the hair, the make-up, the clothes... It is to DIE for. But not really. Honestly I hope the 80s never come back. There is some music that I love from that low part in the fashion history, but that is about it. It is fun to dress all 80s-like sometimes though. I secretly wish I grew up in the 80s just so I could have some awesome pictures. I did grow up in the 90s, though and I have to admit the 90s weren't any better. One of the best things about the 80s and 90s were the TV shows. I must say my all time favorite shows from that time were Fresh Prince and Boy Meets World. What amazing shows. Remeber that show called Dinosaurs? Yeah, I do. And I loved it. My older sisters would watch Daria and Space Ghost Coast to Coast, and I would join them. Ren and Stimpy is a classic, and so is Doug. Tell me your favorite show from the 80s or 90s in the comments :)
Today was the last day of classes until the weekend for me. Tomorrow morning I wake up and go on the orchestra tour. I am really excited! I also had a lot I needed to do today that didn't get done so I guess I will have to find time during the tour. I was making toast for dinner, and all my roommates decided to run to McDonalds for some fake ice cream. It seems all our spontaneous trips are always for ice cream.

Since I am going to wake up extra early tomorrow, I better get something done. Remember to answer my question: What was your favorite TV show from the 80s and/or 90s?
I loved Doug, Daria and Thirtysomething.