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This is my last day in Illinois. It is funny how coming home can influence you. Since home for me is about 110 miles away from Chicago, I have been listeing to rap and such nonsense. It is weird because I usually don't listen to it. I forget how ghetto my town of Freeport is because I live in Idaho now. I always love coming back though. Everyone I grew up with is here, and it is always fun to visit with those you've known all your life. I got to hang out with my best friends, and with family I hadn't seen since the summer. It is sad to me that after I leave for Utah tonight, I won't be back in Illinois until July. I always forget how beautiful the country and landscape is here. I love it :)
Anyways, right now I am listening to Journey with my dad, admiring Steve Perry's voice. I just got home from church. Going to church in the Freeport ward is always fun because I know everyone, and everyone there knows me, and observed me as I went through the awkward stages of adolescence. Nothing has changed much. Almost all of the kids I grew up with were there. Nothing much has changed, even with the returned missionaries that just got back. Nonetheless, I love coming home. I have decided someday I am going to live close by. I definitely don't want to live in Freeport, but maybe up in Wisconsin or Iowa. I can't wait until I have graduated. I want to go on a roadtrip so bad and visit all the places that I have longed to go to. If I have money, that is.
Tonight I leave at midnight with my friends to go back to Utah. Brilliant. I love roadtrips, but this is going to be a long one. My Christmas break has gone by way too fast. I only have a week left. Then I get to go to more classes. That will be fun. Anyways, I should probably go and pack my stuff so I am ready to leave. Happy belated Christmas, and don't do anything I wouldn't do!
Well helllllllllooooooo!
A comment about the picture. It is friggen hilarious. Don't hate.
I realize that I shouldn't be blogging right now because I have an essay to write for tomorrow and a few other things to do. I just really don't feel like doing it, and I am stressing out majorly because of this stupid class. I want to take a break. So I am!
This past week has been so crazy! I have had so much to do, and so little time, and so little sleep. I honestly haven't been this tired in my whole life. Except for when I had mono in the seventh grade. That sucked. Anyways, I have had lots of homework and essays to write. I've not a single idea how I am going to live next semester with the 20 credits I will be taking.
I actually started this blog last night, but I wrote one of the five remaining essays that I needed to write. Ridiculous, right? Yeah, I know. But this is my last week of this semester so it makes sense that it is going to be stressful. I know it is only going to get harder, because I am only a sophomore. Luckily next year, I'll be transferred to Pigfarts! Just kidding. After this year, I will be halfway done with my degree. Crazy! When I was younger it seemed as if I would be in high school all of my life. It is weird to me that this is my last year as a teenager (sad, I know) and then I will actually have to be responsible! Dang! Just kidding. I guess I am sort of responsible now, since I am on my own and everything.
This blog is super random, I apologize, but I want to talk about my weekend. I did absolutely nothing but homework. I went to a party Saturday night which was really fun, until everyone was told to leave because the cops were on their way. Lame! It isn't like there was any alcohol, we were all just dancing to super loud music. It relieved a lot of stress for me. But then Sunday came, and the stress came back. I can't wait until after Wednesday. That will be when I finally can relax. Yay.
I got a couple more essays done now. It is Monday night. I have two more days of classes until testing days. Five more days until I get to go to Illinois! I am way excited. There is going to be a lot of snow, and I will be with the friends I grew up with. Can life get better? I submit that it cannot! I haven't seen them in forever, since I moved to Kansas. I don't get to go to Illinois as often as I would like.
Now that I have been working on this entry for well over 24 hours, I would like to say goodbye. Until next time, I bid thee farewell.
First off, I would like to say happy birthday to my roommate, Lynzi!
So I haven't really blogged in a while. Well, since last week when I was in Kansas. I will update you on what has happened :)
I came back to Idaho from Kansas and completed another week here at BYU-Idaho. The week went by really slow, and I'm glad it is over.That means we on
ly have two more weeks, then on to Christmas break. I am so excited. Illinois, here I come!
Last night was the much awaited David Archuleta concert. We got there an hour early, and there were tons of people standing in line. Luckily, we didn't have to wait to get rejected because we already got our tickets the day they went on sale. We did wait in a line to get into the auditorium though. We got in, and sat in out seats. Maquel, Larissa, Chelsea, and I all got seats on the floor because we are awesome like that.
The opening act was by a guy named Benton Paul, who I had never heard of. Apparently he is pretty popular. I see why, because he was very entertaining. I loved his music. Then, David Arculeta came on stage. It was fantastic. Everyone was so excited, so we all jumped up and danced when he was singing. I still c
an't believe that I actually saw him. He is such a great live performer. It is hard to believe he could sing that well while he dances and runs around on stage. He sang some of his pop songs, then he sang Christmas music. Such a beautiful voice! I wanted to meet him because he seemed so sweet and nice. He was always saying, "thank you," even when it wasn't needed. He was so adorable in that little brother sort of way. Well I am going to get ready to go get my ears pierced because Lynzi is forcing me and 2 of my other roommates to get them pierced. Okay Bye!!
So I just got home from seeing New Moon in the theaters. Before I go on my Twilight rant, I will tell you that I am now in Kansas. I got here late afternoon last Saturday. I took the bus from KCI to Junction City. A man on the bus told me "enjoy your stay in our town, little girl." I mean really? I am NOT a little girl. Jerk. Just kidding. He was a nice guy, but he just obviously wrongly took me for a child. I am a grown woman. Shoo. Just kidding again. But really.
Anyways, I spent the last few days with my twin sister. It has been really fun. We decided to drive to my mom's house yesterday so that is where I am right now. We just saw New Moon in the theaters. And that brings me back to my rant.
First of all, I was a Twilight fan a long time before it became popular. My best friend Katie had received the book in 2005 as a gift. She read it and made me read it. We were both very much taken with this book of vampires. Everyone that I asked had never even heard of Twilight. We patiently waited for New Moon to come out, as well as Eclipse. By then, more and more people started to read the series. I remember being so excited when Stephenie Meyer said on her website that Twilight was being made into a movie. Beyond excited. We did not agree out the actors and actresses picked, but we hoped their acting skills would prove them to be worthy of their roles.
Then, last year around this time, Twilight the movie came out. I went to see it with Katie. We came out of the theater completely disgusted. The movie was terrible. The acting was terrible. Especially Edward. Ugh. I feel like up chucking whenever I see him. His face looks as if he ran into a wall. Hard. And Kristen, please stop with all the stuttering and blinking! Taylor Lautner was the only good thing about that movie. I just can't express how much it disappointed me.
Okay, on to New Moon. I didn't get my hopes up this time, but I was impressed. I know there was a different director and a bigger budget, but it still impressed me. It could have been better, but it improved a lot from Twilight. I might have liked it more because Rob Pattinson wasn't in a lot of it. And I do love a good tragedy. By the way, Rob, please keep your shirt on. No one wants to see your nasty, hairy chest. But Taylor, you can keep your shirt off as long as you want. I mean really. Wow. In the first couple scenes it just looked like Jacob was fat, but then the rest of the film you could definitely tell he was ripped.
On that note, I would like to take a minute talking about Team Edward/Team Jacob. I have always been on Team Jacob. Even before any of the movies. Before everyone jumped on the bandwagon after they saw New Moon. He just seems more real than Edward. Edward is an overprotective guy (and sometimes jerk). Jacob is just like a normal guy (except for the fact he can turn into an enormous wolf) who is hopelessly in love. With that said, again, I am Team Jacob to the grave.
I was impressed with Kristen Stewart in this movie. She didn't blink and stutter as much as she did in Twilight. Nice. Well that is really all I have to say about New Moon. I am not as disappointed this time. Thank you, and goodnight.
Welllllll helllllllllo!
I am sitting here on this wonderful Friday evening watching Arrested Development with my roommates (the ones who are still here, that is). This next week we don't have any classes because it is Thanksgiving break! Yay! Jayme, Kelly, and Larissa all left earlier today so it is just me, Chelsea, and Lynzi here now. I leave at 3:30 tomorrow morning to start traveling. I am not too excited about trying to get through the airport by myself so hopefully I make it out alive. I am really excited about having my mom's home cooked meals, even though I will only be at her place a few days. I am just ecstatic to have a week off of school-- no classes at all! I do still have a lot of homework to do unfortunately.
Chelsea and I are going to be alone in the apartment tonight so we are pulling an all nighter, even though I have to leave before 3:30 am anyways. We are definitely going to watch Zoolander. I absolutely love that movie. I would have to say it is one of my favorite comedies of all time.
So my humanities class put together a survey the other day and it is our job to publicize it... We need as many people to take it as we can get, so I am going to post the survey right here -->
So please take it so I can get a good grade! Send it around so we can get as many as we can!
Okay thank you so much, and have a wonderful weekend!
Hello all!
I realize I haven't blogged in a while. Well that is because I have been extremely busy. This past Friday the BYU-I Symphony Orchestra and choirs went on a music tour where we played God's Everlasting Love. First we traveled to Twin Falls, Idaho on six huge charter buses. The bus ride there was pretty uneventful... I tried to sleep, but that didn't really work so I just listened to music on the way to Twin Falls. We got there in the middle of the day and had rehearsals and a performance. After the performance we all went to different host houses where we stayed for the night. Crystal (violist as well) and I went to the Crowley's house. They were such a cute old couple, and they fed us so much food. Everyone was exhausted after the long day so I was excited to go to sleep. It turns out that Crystal and I found awesome toys from back in the day in their basement. We ended up staying up late playing with them and taking pictures. I would post some pictures, but unfortunately they are all on her camera.
So Saturday morning the Crowleys made us some fantastic waffles and we were on our way. Everyone met back at a stake center in Twin Falls. We then departed for Salt Lake City. We drove through a lot of snow and saw a lot of car accidents so we were pretty blessed to make it to SLC in one piece. We got there a little later than planned so we rushed to get dressed into concert clothes and go on stage at the Tabernacle (yeah, we played in the Tabernacle at SLC. It was awesome) to start recording. We recorded for what seemed like an eternity, then we went to the church headquarters building to have dinner. We got to travel there by the super secret tunnels under Temple Square. I was quite excited. After that we had the concert. My mother and her husband came, along with two of my step brothers. It was a nice suprise, considering I thought only my mom and step-dad were coming. The concert went really well, and it was really emotional. Excellent work of music, really. After the concert we drove a long 4 hours back to Rexburg. We drove through snow once more. We got back at 2am Sunday morning. I walked home in the freezing cold and pretty much didn't go to sleep until 3am. It was so fun. Luckily we didn't have church until 1pm yesterday so I slept in.
I didn't do homework at all on the tour so I had all last night to write my essay that I hadn't started at all. I only wrote about half of it and gave up at about 2am this morning. Good thing this is only the first draft...
And for a random fact...
I decided a while ago that as long as I am playing in some sort of orchestra the rest of my life, I will be happy. My ultimate dream job is playing in a pit orchestra for awesome musicals and ballets like The Nutcracker, Wicked, or The Phantom of the Opera. I also wish I would have been a dancer. Ballet is so graceful and beautiful... but I know I would fail at it. I'm definitely not a graceful person. At all. All my hopes and dreams gone... just kidding. But really.
Class time she comes.
I really haven't had time to write here lately, which is weird because for our apartment goals, we decided to limit facebook time to 45 minutes a day. I guess I've been doing more homework. It is funny how giving up facebook can do that. Anyways, I am listening to the Final Countdown by Europe played by this awesome orchestra on youtube. I would like to share the link here []. It might be the most fantastic version of Final Countdown I've ever heard. You can't go wrong with headbanging and celli. On a slightly different note, you gotta love the 80s. I mean the hair, the make-up, the clothes... It is to DIE for. But not really. Honestly I hope the 80s never come back. There is some music that I love from that low part in the fashion history, but that is about it. It is fun to dress all 80s-like sometimes though. I secretly wish I grew up in the 80s just so I could have some awesome pictures. I did grow up in the 90s, though and I have to admit the 90s weren't any better. One of the best things about the 80s and 90s were the TV shows. I must say my all time favorite shows from that time were Fresh Prince and Boy Meets World. What amazing shows. Remeber that show called Dinosaurs? Yeah, I do. And I loved it. My older sisters would watch Daria and Space Ghost Coast to Coast, and I would join them. Ren and Stimpy is a classic, and so is Doug. Tell me your favorite show from the 80s or 90s in the comments :)
Today was the last day of classes until the weekend for me. Tomorrow morning I wake up and go on the orchestra tour. I am really excited! I also had a lot I needed to do today that didn't get done so I guess I will have to find time during the tour. I was making toast for dinner, and all my roommates decided to run to McDonalds for some fake ice cream. It seems all our spontaneous trips are always for ice cream.
We went outside, and it was snowing. Packing snow. The best kind! It will probably all melt by tomorrow, but I know there will be plenty more snowfalls to come.
Since I am going to wake up extra early tomorrow, I better get something done. Remember to answer my question: What was your favorite TV show from the 80s and/or 90s?
We (Chelsea, Maquel, and I) are sitting on the floor of the Kimball Administrative building waiting to buy tickets. Not just any tickets though, they are David Archuleta tickets. We are even listening to his music. I am really not that big of a fan, I just think it would be fun to go to one of his concerts. He is coming to BYU-I in December and I know there are going to be some crazy, obsessed Mormon girls that could possibly take me out if they don't get tickets. I am a little frightened, but I sacrificed sleep for this. I usually wake up at 8:30, but I woke up a full hour and a half earlier so I could come stand in line. We are actually going to try to get tickets online too, so we have our laptops out while we stand in line. We didn't actually go to bed until 12:30am, and Chelsea and I stayed up even later because we were talking. To tell the truth, I used to be a huge David Archuleta fan when he just came off of Idol, but I just kind of stopped listening to his music. I really don't remember why, but I did. I regret it! Anyways, this is going to be a very interesting day... I honestly probably will crash right in the middle of it if I can't take a nap. Saturday night I didn't get much sleep because we stayed up watching Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire (go figure) and got up early because we had stake conference. It was really weird because usually we start church at 1pm, but since we had church so early, we had the rest of the day free after 11am. I really didn't know what to do with my Sunday. We just sat around and watched movies... kind of like what we do all the time anyways. Okay, not all the time, but most of the time.
I really don't know what I am talking about anymore so I should just stop this nonsense. Okay, have a fantastic day everyone, and go David Archuleta!
I am again sitting on the living room floor with all of my roommates watching A Very Potter Musical. Honestly, we can't get enough of it. I am so glad I got all my roommates addicted to it. Their lives are changed forever, and all because I was bored one day last summer and found that fantastic musical.
I went to the mall in Idaho Falls and bought a lot of stuff. All I went for were some nice pants, but came out with a few shirts, a dress, a coat, jeans, and a pair of nice pants. It was all on sale, but it still cost a lot! This means I won't be eating for a while... just kidding. But really. I went with my old roommate from last fall semester, Chelsea George. It was a lot of fun because I haven't really hung out with her since last fall. We went out to lunch, but I forgot where we went. It was quite delicious though. I am really glad I bought some new clothes, but I spent too much money. Never again will I buy clothes! I better stay the same size my whole life.
I have a feeling this entry is going to be super short. I really have nothing else to say about today, so I might cut this short.
If you haven't read the HP books, don't read the next part.
Actually I do want to express that my favorite character in Harry Potter is Severus Snape. He is so awesome, and he fooled Voldemort. I mean who can do that? It broke my heart when I read he was in love with Lily Evans. A weird fact about me is that I love tragic love stories, but it was so sad. I really wish that he could have fallen in love with someone else so he didn't have to be so unhappy all of his life. And when he was dying at the end of book seven, and asked Harry to look at hi
m so he could see Harry's mother's eyes Lily's eyes? So tragic and sad! Such a good series. J.K. Rowling, you are a genius. My life would be so different without the Harry Potter books. I'm such a nerd :x
Today is Friday! That makes me so happy! I only had one class this morning because my other classes got canceled. When I was coming back from my first class, I was almost blown over by the wind. It was ridiculous how strong the wind was. There were dirt particles hitting my face, and they felt like needles. I almost gave up going home because I did not want to walk in fricken' tornado-like winds. So I came home, then did my laundry. I ran out of quarters, but I am so glad I got that done. Don't you love having every piece of your clothing clean? I had a concert tonight. Look at other posts to see what we played. It went well for the most part. The school was filming it so there were random camera guys throughout the whole orchestra. One got up in my business and recorded me playing. My roommates (the ones who came) said I was on the big screen of the auditorium. That is exciting and a little embarrassing too. If you know me, I don't like to draw attention to myself so it was a little uncomfortable. Good good.
It is night time (quite obviously) and we are sitting watching The Dark Knight. It seems I have been watching a lot of superhero movies lately. I bought The Dark Knight at Wal-Mart yesterday because it was cheap, and I really like the movie. Sure I said it was dark, but it is fantastic. Superhero movies make me smile. Plus, Christian Bale is a sexy beast. So is Heath Ledger, but definitely not in this movie. I Was so sad when he died. Such a great actor! I can't even explain how much I love Heath Ledger as an actor.
Okay, so tomorrow I get a new car battery, and I go to Idaho Falls. I'm really excited to finally go to a mall. I haven't been to one in a while, because where I am from we don't have one nearby. I am actually running out of things to say. "Did you just say 'Did he just say dragons?'" With that "A Very Potter Musical" quote, I will leave you. And a picture. I want to post a picture. Here is one of the roommies and me at Guitars Unplugged.
Two of my roommates, Jayme and Maquel, and I are sitting on our apartment floor wa
tching "A Very Potter Musical." It is probably the best musical ever to hit youtube. If you are a Harry Potter fan, you definitely need to watch it. Don't watch if you have not read all the books though! This fan-made musical has the best quotes ever. The songs are so catchy too... they always get stuck in my head. I definitely recommend it!While on the subject of Harry Potter, I want to speak of the Harry Potter Encyclopedia. Maquel was reading awesome stuff off of the Harry Potter Wiki about it, and I am so excited for it to come out. It will probably complete my whole life, just like making Wicked into a movie will. By the way, Wicked is being made into a movie!!! I am so excited! Anyways, back to Harry Potter. If you don't really care about Harry Potter, I suggest not reading my blog ever again. I will probably reference it in almost every blog I post. I am a huge fan of Harry Potter, and can't seem to not bring it up every day of my life.
On another note, I had an orchestra rehearsal today. We have a concert tomorrow, then next week we go on tour down to Twin Falls and Salt Lake City to perform. We are preforming Robert Cundick and Elder Bednar's "God's Everlasting Love." I said it before, but it is a beautiful piece of music.
I counted the days of class I have left in the semester, and it is 26. That is not very much at all. Then I get to go to Illinois for Christmas! In a couple weeks is Thanksgiving break, and I am excited to hang out with my twin sister in Kansas. Yay! I can't really think of anything else to say, s
o I think I will post a random picture, and be done with this day!
I am supposed to be doing homework, but I really don't feel like it. I came home from my classes today to two of my roommates cleaning the kitchen. What wonderful roommates I have. Thanks Lynzi and Maquel! We then started to watch Superman Returns. I don't know about what you think, but I think Superman is a BAMF. Honestly, if I had to pick my favorite superhero of all time, it would be Superman. There is something about that cute little curl on his forehead. That, and I find Clark Kent to be extremely adorable. Who would have thought that a nerdy, reporter with big glasses could turn into this super awesome sexy man in a tight blue and red suit? Though the new Superman movie is good, and Brandon Routh is a good superman, I still prefer Christopher Reeve. There is just something that is so classic about Mr. Reeve that just screams Superman.
I know that the old Superman movies are kind of slow and boring in some parts, and the special effects are crap, but I'm pretty sure Christopher makes up for all of that. The only character I didn't like in the old movies was Lois. She was really annoying and controlling, and didn't deserve a man like Clark! Oh well, the new Superman makes up for her being so annoying.
I think my second favorite superhero would be Batman. There is something about Bruce Wayne that is so real, because he is a human being. He isn't from another planet, he didn't get bitten by a radioactive spider, and he didn't have a freak accident that turned him into a hero. He is just a regular guy who happens to want revenge. He is angry about what happened to his parents (who wouldn't be?) so he turns into Batman to kick crime's trash. Danananananananana Batman! I'm going to have to say I like Tim Burton's Batman movies the best, but that is probably because Danny Elfman composed the score. Sure, Batman Begins and The Dark Knight are really good, but they are so dark. Plus, they can't touch Danny Elfman's score.
I have a lot to do today, so I am going to try to get that done before my long orchestra rehearsal tonight. So long, and farewell. Have a wonderful day!
So I really don't know what I am doing still awake, but what else do I expect at college? I should be used to the lack of sleep, but it still really affects me. My roommates and I just finished watching "A Very Potter Musical" on youtube (, and it was quite amazing. I would definitely recommend it to all Harry Potter fans. If you haven't read all the books, don't watch it because it is a huge spoiler. Anyways, it is really good. Watch it!
I decided to start a blog because I think that it would be fun... I mean my roommate Lynzi is doing it (yep, I am copying you Lynzi!) so I figured I would do it too. And no, I wouldn't jump off a cliff if someone told me to. I have tried before to keep a blog but I always forget about it and never write. I have decided that I don't need to write too much, I mean there isn't much I have to say to the world anyways.
So my car wouldn't start the other day. I figured it was a dead battery so my roommates and I tried taking it out, but it was in an awkward position. We were just standing there in the front of my car when this random man in a jacket (it looked like a mechanic's jacket) walked up to us. He asked us if we needed help. We obviously did, and he took the battery out of my car. His name was Josh (because that is what it said on his jacket) and he was driving a big truck that said Interstate Batteries. Thank you Josh from Interstate Batteries! "I call this positively providential!" <--What movie is that from? Can you guess?I have a couple of concerts coming up with the BYU-I Symphony Orchestra. We are playing some spiritual music that is very beautiful. We are traveling to Salt Lake City in a couple weeks to perform in the Tabernacle, and my mom is attending that concert. I am really excited about it. It isn't every day that you get to see your mom at college.Well I am really going to go to sleep now... or try to. Good-night, all!